
Showing posts from March, 2019
Identifying tools and materials  My personal style of artwork is pen and ink drawing. As I am most comfortable with this medium, for this exercise I want to take myself out of my comfort zone and select oil paint illustrators. I found using oil paints a challenge in previous exercises, however I have been looking for an opportunity to use them once again, so here it goes.  Oil paint Illustrators Will Terry Children's book illustrator, titles  include: Bonaparte falls apart, The Three Little Gators, Skeleton for Dinner, The Three Bully Goats .  Will Terry often starts  his artwork using oil paints and finishes digitally, Photoshop.  "One of the problems with painting in traditional mediums - like oils for instance is the lack of control or the tedious nature of finishing details - not to mention the fact that you can't undo, adjust colour, or zoom in".   The use of colour in these two illustrations is exquisite. The blue of the sky, ge...