Turning Words into Pictures...

I chose WILD as my word. I started by brainstorming the word, which naturally led to me sketching around the word... Wild weather, thunder clouds, rain and lightning, wild poppies, seeds, a blue bottle fly, a wasp, a weed, thorns, grass, wild as an emotion on the far right. I used pencil and black pen. 

I was sat in my garden whilst doing this exercise so I feel that naturally led to nature based drawings which seemed to flow quiet easily. 

I repeated this exercise using colour in addition to my ink pen. Watercolour, and a felt tip pen. 

WILD, free flowing. A tree, to represent a wild wood. The wasp has a sting in its tail, the blue bottle is lawless, big and annoying. The thorns are sharp. The poppies grow wherever they please, a wild flower. The weed is the ultimate wild plant, found anywhere and everywhere...as grass, will grow regardless without the need of any care. Wild weather, stormy, grey, wet and full of mood, rain with tears in mind. 

REFLECTION: This exercise suggested that I shouldn't be too concerned about the accuracy of my drawings, this was a pleasurable experience, quick and free. When I look at these pieces of work, I feel inspired. Another learning curve. 


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