Visual metaphors...

The visual metaphors that have caught my attention presented in a mood board: 

From the list provided, I have chosen to expand on 'High achievement'. 

I struggled to feel inspired by this term as a whole and my initial thoughts felt quite stale. I decided to split the words up into 'high' and then 'achievement'.... This proved fruitful! I felt inspired. 

I then translated some of my words into my moodboard:

'High achievement' - My drawings...

A full moon and a wooden ladder, ready to climb high? 

 A gold trophy at the very top of a high rise...

A gold medal flying high on a hot air balloon...

A rocket already past the stars. Destination, the top...

I asked for thoughts on the four drawings and these are the words I collected: 

  • "Climbing"
  • "Doing well"
  • "Success"
  • "Moving forward"
  • "The sky's the limit!"
  • "Hard worker"

As much as 'High achievement was not mentioned in my collection, I feel these words very much reflect what I was aiming to get at. 


Looking through professional visual metaphors was a great way of seeing how simple an image can be, and yet how powerful. Particularly the NHS images. In contrast, another favourite is the Heinz tomato sauce metaphor, a bottle made up of slices of tomatoes. So obvious, yet so clever and clear. 

Initially I struggled as mentioned to think of 'High achievement' as a whole, however once I split the words up, I had fun with this exercise. 

I enjoyed the freedom of the sketches, without concern of the technical accuracy.

I asked four people to take a look at the drawings and I'm happy with how they interpreted them. I feel satisfied that I was on the right track! 


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